Pool Rules & Regulations
The following rules and regulations are for the protection and benefit of all members to assure the safe and sanitary operation of the pool facility. When reviewing these rules, you will find they are basic "common sense" rules that are meant to insure the safety of pool patrons. Failure to observe these rules could also result in the pool being closed by the Health Department. Your cooperation is both needed and required to make the Shipley's Crossing community pool an enjoyable community facility.
Failure to comply with these rules shall be considered sufficient cause for any action deemed necessary by the pool manager, including barring violators from the use of the pool area. A written statement will be filed by the pool manager to the Association in the event any member's pool privileges are temporarily or permanently revoked. Members are required to inform their guests of these rules and regulations and to observe the instructions of the pool manager. Your cooperation in abiding by these rules will afford a pleasant area for relaxation and recreation for the members of the Association and their guests.
1. The use of the pool area is reserved for members of the Association and their guests. Guests must be accompanied by a member at all times. The selling of guest passes or outside memberships to the pool by Association members is strictly prohibited.
2. Delinquencies in HOA fees will result in forfeiture of pool privileges for everyone in the delinquent's household.
3. The lifeguard must be on duty and the pool officially open before any user is allowed in the water or pool area.
4. Everyone entering the pool facility must sign the register upon entering the facility.
5. Guests must be accompanied by members at all times, and when the member leaves, their guests must also leave. Members will be held responsible for all actions of their guests. To ensure the availability of pool facilities for Association members, no member shall bring more than four (4) guests per day.
6. For health reasons, admission shall be refused to all persons having any infectious disease, sore or inflamed eyes, colds, nasal or ear discharges, or any communicable disease of any kind. Persons with excessive sunburn, open sores or bandages of any kind are not permitted in the pool area.
6a. All persons are prohibited from entering the pool when they are ill with diarrhea.
7. All bathers must shower before entering the pool.
8. Cut off dungarees or shorts are not acceptable swimwear.
9. Regulations regarding use of the pool by children are as follows:
A. Children under the age of fourteen must be accompanied by an adult
18 years of age or older, for admission to the pool area. The adult must be in the immediate vicinity of the child and is responsible for the child's conduct.
B. The pool guard or attendant has the right to refuse entrance to the pool area or request verification of age of any child they suspect to be under age fourteen who comes to the pool unaccompanied by an adult.
C. Children under the age of three years old or who are not yet toilet trained, must be wearing Swim Diapers/Pants and accompanied in the pool at all times by an adult. For extended swimming, the swim diapers/pants must checked every 30 to 60 minutes (away from the pool) and changed if necessary.
D. The pool guard or attendant has the right to refuse use of the pool to any child that is not strictly adhering to rule 9C.
10. NO ONE IS PERMITTED TO DIVE INTO THE POOL AT ANY TIME. This pool is not designed for diving from the side of the pool.
11. If at any time, especially when the pool is crowded, the pool guard or attendant determines that the use of flotation devices becomes a hazard, they may require that any or all flotation devices be removed from the pool.
12. No pets are permitted in the pool area.
13. No wheeled vehicles are allowed in the pool area with the exception of wheelchairs, baby strollers and baby carriages. No wheeled vehicles are permitted within ten (10) feet of the pool.
14. All beverages or food brought into the pool area must be in paper or plastic containers and must be consumed in designated areas. All trash must be disposed of in a trash container. Glass containers are not permitted in the pool area.
15. No intoxicants of any kind (including beer, wine, liquor or other alcoholic beverages) may be brought into the pool area.
16. Chewing gum is not permitted in the pool area at any time.
17. Smoking is not allowed in the pool area or building.
18. Running, pushing, wrestling, ball playing, skate boarding, or causing undue disturbance in or about the pool area will not be tolerated.
19. Spouting of water and similar unhygienic actions will not be permitted in the pool.
20. No abusive or profane language, or breach of the peace will be tolerated. Radios must be played at a low volume that will not disturb other pool patrons.
22. Neither the Association nor the pool manager will be responsible for loss or damage to private property brought into the pool area by a member or guest.
23. Members of the Association are responsible for the actions of their guests. The cost of any property damage by a member or guest will be charged to the responsible party.
24. The pool may be closed at any time due either to mechanical breakdowns, weather conditions, or operational difficulties and at the discretion of the pool manager, lifeguard or Association manager.
25. All swimmers shall exit the pool when the lifeguard leaves his/her station or upon the lifeguard's request.
26. All personal injuries, however slight, must be reported to the lifeguard on duty.
27. All persons use this facility at their own risk and in conformance with all rules and regulations. Individuals may be barred from the pool or pool area, at the discretion of the lifeguard in charge, for violation of these rules or for any other reason which in his/her judgment constitutes a hazard to others or to the management. The lifeguard is responsible for the strict enforcement of these rules and has authorization to temporarily deprive any member or guest of pool privileges. A written statement shall be filed with the association within 24 hours if such action is taken.
These rules may change from time to time without any prior notice at the discretion of the Directors of the Association.